I mean the vastness of space-time is already here. Eternity exists in every single moment. There’s the “be here now” idea, the “power of now,” and all of these ideas that keep being talked about are very much things that are already here. There is no place to go and nothing to do essentially, in awareness. The maneuvering and the manipulation of things in the world certainly do have a ripple effect in the consciousness itself. That’s absolutely correct, but the access to the spacious nature is already here. It already exists and it is very much something that everyone has access to. You don’t really need to learn anything to access it. It is awareness itself, the individual aspect of awareness, that part that is what the focus is on, is not the focus, is not the focuser essentially.The two can be divided and it’s necessary to understand the separation, to experience the awareness in both. Compassion lies at the heart of the experience, because there is no awareness of the sad, painful nature of life, other than through seeing it clearly, as it is.