What is the core of the universe and is it knowable?
How are judgment, labels, and ownership invalid?
How do we increase love?

We are observation points in the great cosmos like a node in the structure of things through which time and space are modified.

Our separateness is not greater nor lesser than our oneness. Our oneness is half of everything. Some may say the greater portion. I want to point out that other than emptiness, oneness and separateness are the only two aspects with which creation can be observed. Emptiness is how the unity is observed. From emptiness all things arise. Think of the spaciousness of thought and the plasticity of moods. We are flowing in a particular direction. Is it the direction you really want to go? What are you creating as your experience and the experience of you?

I want to point out that what moves throughout the oneness and separateness is the state of consciousness. This state can be whatever we want it to be. It could be anger or compassion. It could be lust or peace, or it could be abundance or isolation. If we were able to control the state of mind of, let’s say, planet Earth, what state of mind would we give it? Do we want it to be loving or fearful? Would we live better on a planet that felt abundant and nurtured by its inhabitants or one that felt burdened and taken for granted or, worse yet, in pain?

We cannot escape our past. Indeed, why would we? We are animals of the world. We are also a new or at least we have new abilities. Our evolutionary path is led by a bigger brain and a body with a need to adapt to weather and create defenses rather than have fur or claws.

We walked upright and lost our canine tooth growth. Our toes changed to forward and our eyes began to distinguish colors more readily.

It seems the species of the Earth, the consciousness of Earth, created a creature that was capable in whole different ways. This creature arose from the fifth extension class.

It seems pretty clear that all species are driven to make their lives easier, and their desire to adapt creates adaptations. Genes swap species and even kingdoms. Pieces of which are adopted and utilized by a new host, creating a subspecies with new adaptations acquired from the environment.

So it is that we are also capable of observing reality from an enlightened point of view.

We can flow. Everyone has been in a state where they disengage from the environment and even from the internal dialog. Everyone has focused on something and become unaware of their surroundings. This focus is the beginning of the enlightened state. Once the mind is calm, it can also experience the emptiness and spaciousness that is consciousness itself.

What consciousness experiences is what we experience and how the rest of consciousness experiences us.

We cannot effectively judge any behavior. Since individual survival is how we all got here, the tendency toward aggression, self-centeredness, and ignoring of their connectedness is part of all of us. We can outgrow it, but as a species, we haven’t yet.

We contain those behaviors. Each of us has the capacity for this kind of thought. Just as each of us has the ability to perceive consciousness as it is. We are all this and more.

This is why forgiveness is so important. This is why the wise ones that came before us told us not to do things that upset people. At least in some ways, that’s the message. “Love thy neighbor as thy self” and in Buddhism “every being has been your mother.”

When we think of these teachings, we see how the grasp to the self is weakened. If we consider either of them, we find the connection prevalent and the individuality less predominant.

Since our state of mind is really where we live, our mastery of this area of life is critically important.