The universe is changing. Look around us. Everywhere the truth comes out.  Everything is evolving.  Even consciousness is evolving.

Look at how much more we know about the world around us. We know that heavy metals such as iron and platinum come from stars that have already exploded. Their parts gathered together and reformed over several generations just so those atoms could form.

Those elements are necessary for our sun to form and for our Earth to have the qualities it has. Our bodies need iron as well as all the other elements in order for us to survive.

So, life as we think of it was not possible in the early universe.

The bang created the simplest of particles which formed themselves into simple pure atoms of hydrogen (the lightest simplest atom) and then helium (the second lightest atom). They gathered together and formed the earliest gas clouds which produced enough friction to change those elements into slightly heavier ones which could gather more gravity and create even more fiction.

So it goes and so it has always gone. Time seems much like light. We can only see a small bandwidth. We don’t know if the universe will stabilize at some point in its maturation. We assume it is a closed system, and yet, we don’t really know how aware it is. It is either self-aware or aware of its surroundings. Is our universe part of a cluster of universes with similar qualities?

What if it is?  What if we’re part of an organism of sorts?

What does it mean to be part of something bigger? What if our consciousness is part of the larger consciousness of the universe? Think of a cell.  It has its little world.  Yet it’s connected to the body. More than connected, the body is dependent on it.  In its little microcosm, it is the body.

So, our neural network is a reflection of the universe and the network of galaxies.

It’s not hard to project certain similarities particularly when we find these patterns in virtually all life. For instance, health and happiness are desired by all beings. So, what could a cell do to participate in the well-being of the body?  What if each cell was partially responsible for the state of mind of the being?

So it is. We are each of us called to happiness, each with the universe waiting for our contribution. Each is responsible for or has a role in the ultimate happiness and harmony in the universe within us and without us.

We are to contribute to the health and well-being of our Earth network so that it may contribute to the galactic network. Perhaps by participating in a more supportive way, we might have learned from the Earth how to make more medicines.