What is this thing we call consciousness? Our destiny is an ever-increasing spaciousness and consciousness. Consciousness is spaciousness. Spaciousness is consciousness.

Its nature is who you are. We are all those who are consciousness, and we are also not anyone else. The ways to the infinite do not exist for you never left. Know that all experiences are in the spaces between. The reality we see is only the contents. The contents are very important, but we are only experiencing through our part of the contents.

Our bodies are experience portals for the consciousness.

Time gives form to what has momentum. Things change, bloom, and decay.  Stars, galaxies, and probably each bit of the universe come into and out of existence. Atoms change shape and become new, heavier atoms inside of stars, and stars explode and are born into new ones. Time certainly changes everything.

If you were conscious and you were the size of the universe, you’d have every possible thing in every possible perspective, wouldn’t you?  I mean, you’d be wise because you’d have every kind of relationship going on inside of you.

Imagine every kind of galaxy, every star in each galaxy, and every orbit within that. What if each rotation, each spiral, and every pathway for energy was also a pathway for consciousness?  Consciousness is the uniting factor in the ultimate experience.

Well then you might say where is this consciousness? Why can’t I find it?  And if I ask who is looking?  You might answer, “I am.”  So, very good then. Spend more time being you without judgment, just being you.  It’s not important to keep track of your thoughts. It’s the spaciousness you are, not the contents. Let the contents be within you, not defining you. This includes the contents of your mind.

Keep your body comfortable whether you’re sitting, running, or whatever. Keep your thoughts comfortable of course. If at first you’re afraid, then you can begin by thinking whatever you want. Get comfortable and pay attention to the thinker, the spaciousness where thought may occur.

You will continue to think. That’s part of meditation. It is just not a very important part, so focus on something healthy and open up.

I’m not telling you to sit in any particular position. Just get comfortable and live your life! I learned meditation that is not dependent on any particular thing happening. You’re always here, no matter where you are, so be aware of you at least as much as you are aware of thoughts and things.

So, here you go, it’s okay to focus on something you want to happen if you like. As long as your primary focus is on your state of mind and making sure you are putting together the right pieces. Focus on getting a better focus.  Let DJ give you a better perspective. E-mail us or check the calendar now.  Now, now, it’s always now! Check the calendar and come to an event!