Everybody seems to be unendingly searching for happiness. There are times when we blame situations or people for the stuffs that make us feel otherwise, when in fact it all starts within ourselves. It all begins within our own minds.

If you feel like your search for happiness is never-ending, and all you want is to finally be happy, look deep inside yourself and assess whether you’re welcoming any of the traits or thoughts stated below. If you are, start working to get rid of them so that you can accept more happiness into your life.

1. Being Jealous

If you keep comparing yourself to other people as a way of inspiring yourself to work harder and be a better person, that’s a good thing. However, if you allow other’s success become a burning fire in your mind, it will make you feel unhappy.

Looking up to successful people can be a benchmark for success and a chance to learn, grow, and succeed. You can learn from their strategies and cultivate your strengths. But remind yourself to not be envious. This cannot contribute anything. It only keeps you dwelling on that envious feeling, which is only a misuse of time, energy, and peace of mind.

2. Being afraid of change

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein
Change can be frightening, since it’s not what you are used to. It is uncomfortable, and it does not make you feel safe or sure. However, the unknown that comes with change can in fact carry excitement and opportunities. Take a leap of faith in yourself and believe that change will bring you to a better place than you were in yesterday.
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. – Jim Rohn
Whether it’s changing jobs, leaving people, or transferring to another country, as long as you stick to your instinct and do what feels right, you will be good.
Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. – Steve Jobs
Accept change. The best is yet to come.

3. Wanting to be always in control

A lot of people presume things to go as designed and want to be in control. But when things don’t go as planned, they feel sad, upset, and unhappy.

Actually, the most definite thing in life is uncertainty. The only constant in life is change.

Then, if you want to be happy, you must learn to let go. You have to learn to live without trying to control your life. Because the moment you try to control it, you become reliant on the feeling of control – which makes you lose control of yourself.

You can plan for the best. However things turn out, you need to embrace them. Be flexible . Go with the flow. That’s the way to live life with peace of mind.

4. Overworking

You desire to become successful and rich so you work hard — from time to time harder than you need to. Always remember to have a work-life balance. Sooner or later, you will be sorry for wasting the things that you cannot get back, such as spending time with family and close friends. Remember, happiness is only genuine when shared. Do not forget to treasure significant relationships in your life.

5. Putting the blame on others and finding excuses

When difficulties occur, most of us look for excuses or blame outside things. Change your viewpoint. Instead of finding excuses, focus on finding solutions to the problem.

6. Complaining and whining

Instead of complaining, whining, or criticizing things, change your point of view. Start by taking a deep breath in. Be aware of your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Then look at the cause of the problem and think about how you can fix it. If you deal with problems in life this way, you will fill yourself with optimism and positive energy, and you will be a lot happier.

7. Thinking that you are always right

No one is a master of everything. No one is perfect. If you are always afraid that you are not perfect, you will certainly not be happy. Let it go. Embrace everything that you are. Know that you are not and will never always be right.

8. Not believing in yourself

A lot people rely on the word “can’t.” They believe that they are not capable of doing things. They always say: I can’t do this. This is all I can do. That’s it. I cannot do or get any better. This type of thinking is the largest hindrance in life. It’s the obstruction that stops you from doing the things you love and from achieving your maximum potential.

9. Having bad friends around

Humans are social animals. We are affected by our environment, whether we are conscious of it or not. The vital thing to be mindful of is that good friends will lift you up and bad friends will pull you down. Choose your friends wisely.

10. Being stuck in the past

Your past is packed with good and bad experiences which mold who you are. However, your head space should not be so trapped in the past — in past failures and disappointments — that you cannot move forward. You have to let go and concentrate on building new beginnings and a beautiful future.